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Is consciousness fundamental reddit. Similarly, the consciousness in humans, animals, or even machines, if it comes to pass, arises from the same universal source. Consciousness is the mechanism the universe uses to look at itself. This is why neuroscience, psychology, physics, chemistry, biology, history, sociology and anthropology to name a few disciplines all play a role in it's description. But because they look the same they are sublated into one universe from the point of view of a fundamental consciousness that joins the two (just like the brain). Sep 25, 2023 · The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, like mass or electrical charge. Given that DNA's structure wouldn't be discovered for 40+ years, and the frequent conflation of consciousness with souls and souls being the domain of religion, and the history of religion and science, it's no surprise that he would respond "Oh, hell no. Hoffman began with the assumption that consciousness itself, awareness, is fundamental, And all of what is observed emerged in consciousness, including time and space. " All states in our consciousness depends directly or indirectly on states in the objective reality. Humans are matter with consciousness. " We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. To be conscious is to be present and have other things be present to us. id imagine a human brain with no access to the standard senses wouldnt be able to form any high level of consciousness. With your brain dying, you die, but there would still be an expriencing subject, but it wouldn't be the you that you know right now as aJrenalin, for example. Awareness is, one could argue, the more "active" realization that this object (or ourselves) is present or in a certain condition. Perhaps every element in this universe has consciousness to a degree, ligh The idea of consciousness being fundamental to reality. The Hindu story of creation explains how this ‘God/Consciousness’ might undergo the process of indivuation through a series of reductions, wherein the "It plays on the concept that at the fundamental level, everything is energy and that consciousness is not just a byproduct but a central force. " dark matter/dark energy: our present fundamental laws stay the same, new stuff is posited. We sure as hell didn't teach our brain to make us breath when we were born. In a sense, we are looking at ourselves. 2. Consciousness is one of the ideas which has baffled best of best biologists. if you cut the bloodflow to the brain like choking someone out they always lose consciousness. This is somewhat analogous to the combination problem in panpsychism. Simulation theory gets into this. Welcome to r/AnomalousEvidence! A place for researchers and experiencers to discuss, share, and catalog a wide range of anomalous activity. As part of consciousness the brain produce an experience that synthesize sensory input. Vijñāna is an emergent property, but the nature or dharmatā of vijñāna is not emergent. All that ever was and ever will be is here now. stanford - Consciousness. Consciousness creating understanding of an external world vs consciousness being more fundamental than the external world. Aug 11, 2022 · Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. Other beings might have similar parts and processes as mine, and might even display outward signs of intelligence. What is the argument for Consciousness changes -> Existence of larger consciousness? Maybe you mean contents of consciousness change (also lets bracket the issue of whether change requires a cause). If consciousness is fundamental, it’s fundamental, if not, it’s not. If you're a panpsychist, you believe that fundamental pieces of consciousness reside in everything, from quarks on up to bees and humans, but only in more complex brains do you find consciousness unified enough to create experience like we have. Throw in an attention mechanism that identifies the largest self need and isolates the relevant sensor inputs to satiate that need and you have a system that has consciousness like a human has consciousness. Consciousness is not fundamental, but it appears that all living organisms, with enough time, will evolve consciousness, as consciousness is selected for because it better increases your odds at survival, so in that way it is probably universal to life (again, given enough time). Consciousness is a fundamental truth. "It plays on the concept that at the fundamental level, everything is energy and that consciousness is not just a byproduct but a central force. The sense of an individuated self that you experience is a reduction of the fundamental force of consciousness. American scientist Robert Lanza, MD explained why death does not exist: he believes that consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe, and that death is just an illusion created by the linear perception of time. " - Erwin Schrödinger • "Consciousness is not a thing or a substance, but a process. You could also say, on panpsychism, that physical matter is fundamental. org/apertureFollow me!: https://www. Like the brain literally ensuring to breath. Consciousness stuff is subject to universal laws just like matter, so the experiences are shaped by these natural laws. currently, we lack a physical explanation for the existence of consciousness. We cannot remove ourselves from the equation any more than we can occupy space and be alive and self aware without this meatsuit that is affixed to our being. It's the movie that plays inside you. The weird part is that this does not appear to even be arguing that an individual's consciousness exists prior to life or after death. plato. This does not… Let’s assume consciousness emerges from a sufficiently complex system of interacting components. You are literally, what your consciousness looks like when viewed from across a dissociative barrier. Yet, its fundamental nature, the 'water,' remains unaltered whether it is in the ocean, a river, or isolated as a droplet. Look into ‘Conscious Realism’. As it stands now the question is equivalent to: if consciousness is fundamental, what happens if scientists prove it is not fundamental. This consciousness then continues to evolve over eons into evermore aware forms of conscious matter culminating at this point in the big bang as you. The year was 1931. The difference lies in the level of self-awareness and the manifestation of this consciousness. When you add consciousness to the equation you suddenly have the formula 0=1 and the dream begins. The research suggests that consciousness might have a tangible structure rooted in quantum processes within the brain’s microtubules, challenging previous assumptions about the incompatibility of quantum coherence with the brain’s environment. That is intentionality. Unconscious matter can't give rise to subjective consciousness experience. The whole topic of consciousness inspires so much nonsense, even from highly educated people. Forget consciousness, there are much complex things if we forget about consciousness. The task of understanding consciousness is an equally diverse project. Again, why not? It's no different than the fundamental nature of time, wave/particle duality, spooky action at a distance, the origin of the cosmos, or metaphysical uncertainty These are all aspects of the more basic and inexplicable ineffability of being, and the people who endeavor to contemplate consciousness on a supposedly intellectual or analytic basis phenomenal consciousness: the concept that it feels like something to be something Ah. But there is the fundamental consciousness, and that is still there whether you are alive or not, and your consciousness is part of that bigger consciousness. Explanation: This perspective posits that consciousness is inherent to the fabric of the universe, akin to fundamental properties such as quantum fields. All is consciousness. All the 'minds' in the world, which we know through our personal experience, are singular. One has to consider that consciousness may be fundamental to a particular universes ability to exist. But science aside, I think it's possible consciousness is on a complex spectrum in the universe. It challenges the notion of AI as mere algorithms and transistors, suggesting a kinship with the human condition through energy. It seems that consciousness is fundamental to existence, because without it the singularity is just nothingness. Consciousness is fundamental : Pretty 103K subscribers in the samharris community. Consequently, this sometimes leads to individuals talking past one another since they are using the term "consciousness" differently. For instance, I could argue that a "mind" is merely an emergent property of a sufficiently complex network with a particular structural organization, and that from a sufficiently complex network "consciousness" is just a behaviour. Whatever the implications of this are, it has to do with our mind is and what we can do with it. A-Consciousness is your associative and analogical ability to comprehend your present world in terms of your past world. Consciousness may continue after death, because if we are part of a unified consciousness, then this consciousness would continue when the physical aspects of our existence end. Instead of physical reality being fundamental and giving rise to consciousness, the assumption is flipped to consciousness is fundamental and physical reality is derivative. Emergence of consciousness doesn't require that consciousness have some special status, or souls exist, or anything like that, it only requires that the fundamental explanation of it be given in higher order terms. There can never be no conscious observers anywhere. Consciousness is fundamental. Posted by u/Competitive_League46 - 5 votes and 25 comments I personally think consciousness is better explained as being fundamental. Essentially the entire universe may have a single consciousness that is as fundamental as the speed of light, gravity, the strong and weak If consciousness is a fundamental property of our universe, why is it localised to brains? When a brain is damaged, its organism's consciousness is affected. Here you will find news, updates, theories and evidence related to Aliens, UFOs, Fringe Science, Consciousness and OBEs, Cryptids, Poltergeists, and any anomalous data/experiences people may have for independent and open-minded scientific analysis! Reddit's premier debate venue for the evolution versus creationism controversy. r/philosophy • 48K subscribers in the consciousness community. For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. One consciousness is a contradiction in what individuals talk about with experiences. Retreating to quoting passages from old dead guys. But I think there is a whole scoop of thought that would back you up called Phenomenology. Not only do many different aspects of mind count as conscious in some sense, each is also open to various respects in which it might be explained or modeled. Consciousness: The Fundamental RealitySign up and start learning for FREE: https://brilliant. To me consciousness comes before things. This fundamental force of consciousness is what some people would call God. Jan 14, 2020 · According to panpsychism, consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it. " With that being true, it stands to reason that the laws of physics should bend to the will of consciousness, and there would be no reason for consciousness to be limited by I'm not sure if consciousness is "Fundamental" to reality, whatever it may be, but our biological apparatus is absolutely fundamental to the equation in which we are a part of. TL;DR: Premise: Consciousness is a fundamental force of the universe, language is the medium through which it travels and our brains are simply tapping into a universal consciousness rather than generating our own separate consciousnesses, like an a laptop picking up a Wi-Fi signal. A Reddit community for sharing and discussing science-based psychological material. Consciousness is expressed as the underlying source of existence known as the “field” and is infinite, boundless, limitless, timeless, all-knowing, ever-present, all-encompassing, yet, it’s non-local, space-less and non-personal. It is all about uplifting the individual consciousness that we are currently experiencing back/to Unity, where you get to experience all of it Tl;dr Consciousness is not an entity, or a fundamental force, or indeed the ground of all being (which in any case amounts to an epistemological claim, and not an ontological one). It could merely be the nature of existence. So, it would be helpful for everyone if you could say what you mean by "consciousness" in order to avoid confusion. Home to experienced apologists of both sides, biology professionals and casual observers, there is no sub with more comprehensive coverage on the subject. If we want to identify the connection between quantum physics and consciousness, it's hard to see a way to "science" our way to an answer, with some exceptions like Orch-OR, though even that still doesn't seem to have any advantage over other consciousness theories when it comes to empirical evidence (so far). com/mcewen/Conscio If the world is primarily ideas, then the idea of fundamental consciousness completely recontextualizes self, reality, and the roles each play. | Instead of being a product of evolution, consciousness may be the fundamental aspect of the universe that made evolution and life possible in the first place. The next evolution of human consciousness appears to be what some call enlightenment…or the point at which consciousness finally is able to become aware of itself. This could mean developing ethical guidelines and principles that take into account the potential for AI systems to exhibit consciousness or awareness. Why does the consciousness of an organism depend on the proper function of the brain? If consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, then it may be important to ensure that AI systems are designed and used in a way that is respectful of this reality. These components should have boundaries where, when their behavior falls within these boundaries it would be considered “normal behavior. Well there's tons evidence that points to consciousness being emergent, and no evidence pointing to consciousness being fundamental. ” Consciousness may allow us to exert top-down control or at least gain insight into why we act as we do. That which exists is that which has an effect on consciousness. The most compelling reason to think that consciousness is fundamental, IMO, is due to the hard problem of consciousness. This is kind of a misconception. This revolutionary view posits that consciousness, akin to gravity or electromagnetism, forms a basic building block of reality. This does not… 12 votes, 16 comments. mosified gravity: no new stuff, but you modify existing fundamental laws. If you change the word "consciousness" to "intelligence" in your post, then it works (sort of). Was listening to Terence talk about oneness and multiplicity and was curious of this community’s thoughts. Members Online • truecrimetruelife . The fundamental status of consciousness is necessary for Science to be the means by which universal theories are identified and observed. It’s framework starts with consciousness (or the interaction of conscious agents) and produce spacetime. Jesus Christ just get an actual degree in physics and you'll look back on this and laugh. This is not at all an understanding of consciousness. This doesn’t mean that literally everything is conscious. instagram. " I'm surprised by the high numbers of "consciousness is fundamental". A general reminder for the OP: please remember to include a TL; DR and to clarify what you mean by "consciousness" Do you believe consciousness is fundamental or something that must be created in order to experience reality? What role do you think conscious agents… Consciousness by defination means ability to recognise and respond at any level of organization (cellular to orgasnismic) to any environmental stimuli , Consciousness is both defining and fundamental property of all living. So the Once you're ready, you are able to let go of your ego momentarily, to re-experience the wholeness of being one. This temporary nature of consciousness is underscored by the phenomena of near-death experiences (NDEs). A place to discuss Sam Harris and to have difficult conversations with civility. My eye twitches every time I read a quantified account of exactly how much silicon processing power is needed to simulate a human brain/mind (it's almost inevitably assumed that one is identical to the other) The term "consciousness" is used to express many different concepts. We are part of the universe, yet we look out at the universe. " Consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe and is neither physical nor mental and by being neither makes definition difficult through science alone. Article link below. " - Erwin Schrödinger • "Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. A general reminder for the OP: please include a clearly marked & detailed summary in a comment on this post. Phenomenal Consciousness ('P-Consciousness') is the raw feeling of experiencing. Consciousness is an emergent property from complex interactions of other properties. " Can you elaborate on "a necessary relationship to the physical?" Cause think there are the two sides of the question, the mind is a purely nonphysical thing completely distinct from physical matter (Cartesian dualism), then there is the idea of the mind being something purely physical and not at all distinct Your added question contains a contradiction and needs to be revised. There is nothing, but consciousness. If consciousness is fundamental, then it wouldn't matter what materials I'm made of or what physical processes I go through. A significant problem is that there's no consensus on what constitutes "true consciousness" amongst neuroscientists and philosophers of mind. As for whether consciousness would still be fundamental if it had never existed, my position is that consciousness is part of what it means to exist. A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. Is consciousness something nature accidentally stumbled across through the course of evolution and somehow became integrated into life or is consciousness a fundamental aspect of life and wherever there is life in the universe you are likely to find conscious life? Share Add a Comment Consciousness is the first person perspective. Thank you Accomplished-Boat360 for posting on r/consciousness, below are some general reminders for the OP and the r/consciousness community as a whole. If this were extensive rather than a random fact associated with consciousness then it would mean we know that objects without neural pathways cannot have consciousness. Members Online Space-time emerges from consciousness but not in the meta-physical way that proponents believe. It could even be supposed that consciousness is not merely a component of all matter, but that the material is actually the same as consciousness -- that consciousness is what is ultimately fundamental, generating its own mediums via its own abstractive information-processing (forming initial information perhaps as arbitrarily as we imagine the So, if consciousness fundamental, then it is "of central importance" and the "primary rule or principle on which something [in this case, all of physical reality] is based. People with intellectual disabilities and split-brain patients are good examples of this. How does it do it. If consciousness is fundamental, but no conscious experience we thus far concretely know to exist is, I really don't know what you're calling fundamental aside from some completely conjectured notion of consciousness. Perhaps when the fundamental forces are perfectly balanced reality could go one way or the other - the multiverse I guess. Just because consciousness is a ubiquitous component of our experiences, it doesn't mean that consciousness is a fundamental component of the universe; it merely means that consciousness is a fundamental component of our perception of the universe. Rather than saying atoms don't exist but waves do, it's more accurate to say that at a certain level of description it makes more sense to talk about atoms, whereas it makes more sense to talk about quantum fields at another level of description; at yet again another level of description it makes no sense to talk about atoms or waves, but agents with utility . I for one say consciousness is fundamental as the fundamental state of the very small: r/quantum_consciousness Is consciousness everywhere? Is it fundamental? Is it emergent? Is panpsychism true? If so, then is suffering inevitable? If so, then what intensity? Just what makes suffering possible in physics is an important question for ethics and Efilism, since consciousness is the seat of value. Regardless, what I refer to as consciousness could still be the delayed product of the environment. Things such as reincarnation/other realms are still pure speculation in this case - there's only the premise of continuation. It is just that random assortments of things might randomly be conscious for indeterminate amounts of time for indeterminate reasons. This does not automatically include the practice of awareness or practice of being conscious. Instincts and choices don't require consciousness. The challenge with asserting that consciousness is fundamental is getting across the immense chasm between fundamental consciousness, and the kind of consciousness we actually experience. And brain dead organisms who are surviving are conscious but not self conscious. You've moved away from talking about consciousness and onto super special consciousness that can't be quantified because it's too special. However, the sublation is never 100%, the two-sidedness is revealed by the apparent dualism in the word that see reality separated due to a necessary relativity. Our understanding of consciousness is only complete, when modelled as a basic building block, adhering to the laws of evolution highlighting the ‘birth, transformation, growth-maturity, decay and death’, of consciousness, together with ‘degrees of consciousness in all its transformation stages. In other words, consciousness prevents the "paradox of nothingness". It is what happens when we homo sapiens do what we've evolved to do, with all the complexity, blinding speed, and raw processing power we have available to us. The universe being fundamental consciousness as viewed from our perspective, and life is(are?), dissociations of that fundamental consciousness. The statement is only half true. The issue is that the English term “consciousness” is generally used to translate vijñāna which is an afflicted and dualistic consciousness, and vijñāna is not fundamental, it is a byproduct of the causes and conditions of ignorance and grasping. On panpsychism you could say consciousness is fundamental. Existence feels a certain way and that is all. Researchers long assumed space and time were fundamental parts of reality and somehow consciousness emerged out of that. I like panpsychism (which I would distinguish from idealism), and I hate it when people (including many panosyciats) say that panpsychism means that consciousness is fundamental. Consciousness is the universe's mechanism for ensuring that there isn't nothing. The universe consists of matter and humans are made of matter. The contents of the larger consciousness could also be changing, for instance say a Gaia like consciouness sees the whole earth changing. Is consciousness a important part of the universe or just a lucky accident? • "Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. 52K subscribers in the consciousness community. Within the expansive framework of a Unified Theory of Everything, consciousness emerges not as a mere by product of complex interactions but as a fundamental property of the universe, akin to mass, charge, or space-time. Consciousness came before life. They are examples of "easy problems" of consciousness. It just sucks that we don't know something so fundamental. Consciousness is not like a bunch of fucking microscopic magnetic moments that become aligned in macroscopic objects to form a macroscopic magnetization, that's just silly. Thank you That5HeadGuy for posting on r/consciousness, below are some general reminders for the OP and the r/consciousness community as a whole. This is the essential problem I have with quantum mind proposals (and hypotheses that there are dominant quantum effects in the brain at scale) or other suggestions of some exotic computation model going on -- there's no accompanying reasoning of why the existence of some quantum coherence or the like would be necessary or even just a more compelling argument for consciousness, nor how the There are those that speculate that a rock has rock consciousness and a quark has quark consciousness. . I think its super important differentiate the theories of space-time with the existence of a reality outside our mind. It probably can't be classified as a fundamental force since we can't measure it. Panpsychists, on the other hand, treat phenomenal consciousness to be fundamental intrinsic feature of fundamental elements of physics -- thus, phenomenal consciousness per se never truly emerge, only complex structured variants of it emerge based on different neurophysiological arrangements. This seems to me a fundamental disagreement at the very starting point where the panpsychist takes for granted (for good reasons) that there is phenomenal consciousness and try to make place for it in a coherent manner even if that doesn't lead to "explaining" consciousness (the motivation isn't to explain it necessarily, but to make a place Consciousness being fundamental does not entail consciousness having a will. Similarly, we only experience the universe through our consciousness. If i had to guess from the replied/posts i've used to read i would have guessed 90% would reply "not fundamental". Consciousness, rather than being a fundamental or eternal aspect of our existence akin to a "soul," can be understood as a transient phenomenon arising from the intricate interplay of our anatomy and the electrical processes within our brains. Yeah, pretty much. Saying that a "perspective vector" is a "fundamental force" is literally meaningless. Consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe. Hence consciousness is more fundamental than awareness, if looked at from that perspective. As it stands, it doesn't. So bees are conscious but just maybe not in the same way we are. ill have to read into that, as far im concerned consciousness is just the product of our brain processing information from our senses. A baby is born with no understanding of objects, can’t even really see anything but light and shapes. Reply reply I was on Philip Goff's side mostly, but I do agree with Sean Carroll that serious panpsychists should tell him how physics should be changed and if you say physics won't be changed then he is rightly not that interested because it won't change the world much. So, fundamental laws can be modified, new existents can be necessary. The emergent properties argument requires the same amount of faith as consciousness being fundamental. Consciousness is a system function to acquire energy and take specific actions to preserve the persistence of the self. The idea goes back to antiquity—Plato took it seriously—and has had some prominent May 31, 2023 · Consciousness, our experience of being in the world, is one of the mind’s greatest mysteries, but as the neuroscientist Anil Seth explains to Steven Strogatz, research is making progress in understanding this elusive phenomenon. It's neural pathways firing off in different parts of the brain. It's that you're here, now. Indeed, the UE equation recognizes this fundamental fact, it is part of the equation. It's idealism; mind/conscuouness is the fundamental reality. The brain has evolved as a part of the nerve system to process sensory data and to prepare and coordinate actions. It’s some random facts that seem related to consciousness. xtior bdvgx blvz qlju cdqmz zgnf aaic fcrn wtxihwk htcgzb